Friday, February 10, 2006

Yay 80s cartoon quiz

There's ten pictures to be identified, go crazy, answers in comments please. Oh and maybe (if I can find anything cheap and good enough), a small prize for the winner, but that's no promise.







At 2:01 AM, Blogger Crispy Floyd said...

I'm going to be a complete bastard here. If you don't want to know the answers look away now, otherwise stick around while I feel the glow that I know something.
1.Inspector Gadget.
2.Dungeons and Dragons
3.Phileas Fogg and his crazy journey around the world. Can't remember the title exactly so you can pick me off on this one!
4.Battle of the Planets.
5.Pigeon Street.
6.Button Moon.
7.Dogtanion and the three muskahounds
10.Mysterious Cities Of Gold.
I would also like to apologise for getting in there first.

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Opie said...

Okay I’ll give this my best shot, please know that most of these did not feature on my Saturday morning cartoons.

1. Inspector G (as we used to call him in the hood). I didn’t like Penny that much, I wish it was just Gadget and Brain.

2. D & D (Oh yeah I was a big fan of the Dungeons and Dragons, I have 3 points to make: 1. The voice of the smarmy guy with the black hair was Ralph Mouth from Happy Days. 2. They never had a proper final show so those kids are STILL stuck there fighting the guy with the horns. 3. I found it very amusing the first time I came to England and found everyone calling their University Uni. I just couldn’t stop thinking about that high pitched little unicorn. “Uni!” “MMaawww!”

3. I don’t know but it looks good, I fully support cats in bowlers. Reminds me of Top Cat but with less edge and more class.

4. I can only guess it is from Japan and is odd. She looks like she is from an old school Vegas casino and is either about to do a review show or deal me cards.

5. Village of the Damned. Seriously look at there eyes, they just want to devour human flesh, or deliver good natured children’s programming, one of the two.

6. Look I know Thatcher was in power and high budget productions were perhaps scarce but really I think I clean my dishes with the creature that looks a bit like Gareth.

7. The production values are better in this one which makes me think I should know it (seeing as I was living in the wealth of Reaganomics) but I can’t place it and I might have to kick myself for that.

8. Ewoks. (I had a Wicket stuffed Ewok I’m proud to say.)

9. I haven’t the slightest idea what is up with that, what is that? A mushroom? A Mushroom man? No! Oh man that’s a skull! You Brit’s are messed up! Is that a psychedelic talking skull? What is it the Grateful Dead Children’s Funky Hour? No wonder everyone does drugs. What’s wrong with Heathcliff – a nice talking cat?

10. This has a slight Biblical feel to it and seems vaguely familiar. My questions are is that a boy or a girl? Is that a bird or a wasp? And did it ever eat the baddy? because that would be awesome!

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Marco said...

Phileas Fogg - Around Th World in 80 Days.

If there was Carmen Sandiego I'd have been in there like a light.


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