Sunday, July 03, 2005

what's for tea man?


At 9:40 PM, Blogger Opie said...

Faye, I know you've given up on being a veggie, but really is that any reason to start cannibalizing old bushy eyed train enthusiast?

At 11:43 PM, Blogger Marco said...

What the jiggins? Given up on being a veggie? Cripes.

Still. Wicked sign. Even I can appreciate that.

At 9:17 PM, Blogger aurifex said...

Yes alas I have thrown three years of good karma down the toilet for a roast beef dinner.

I know some of you will be upset and I feel very bad Mike if you are reading this as I know you will rain scorn down on me more than most.

The reasons for this abhorration are threefold:
1. Economical - it gets expensive doing separate meat and veggy meals.
2. Eating Out - There are only so many pub fish & chip meals one can stomach.
3. We have a bloody good butcher in our village.

This may sound dodgy but there is an ethical plan to my non ethical meat eating: No non free range chicken, duck or pork as these are intensively farmed. Organic milk and eggs and meat whenever possible. Maximum guilt.

At 8:45 AM, Blogger Opie said...

Sorry I didn't mean to spill the soya beans about your new non-veggie-ness.


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